Each year during the holiday season, we put on our Hear for the Holidays giveaway, which allows one deserving member of our community to acquire the hearing care they deserve most. 

The holidays are meant to be a fun and heartwarming time for family and loved ones to enjoy one another’s company, but untreated hearing loss can lead to overwhelm in busy situations and leave individuals feeling left out of conversations. 

With our fifth annual Hear for the Holidays giveaway, we’re delighted to bring the gift of better hearing to one deserving individual who continuously puts her family first—and they all worked together to nominate her to repay her kindness. 

Our Winner Is… Savanna! 

Nominated by five different people in our community, Savanna is our deserving winner of complimentary hearing care.  

She has had hearing loss since she was a child, but her family didn’t have the means to acquire hearing aids for her; despite her challenges hearing in school, her grades were so good, she got by without them for a long time. 

Savanna’s family shared that she’s a young single mom, supporting her five-year-old daughter on a single income. She’s a hard worker who never lets her untreated hearing loss stop her, and her team of supporters hopes she’ll be able to live life fully with hearing aids. 

Savanna always saw hearing aids as a luxury she couldn’t afford. Imagine her surprise when we told her she was our 2024 winner!  

After having her devices fitted, her first experience with clear hearing was when a text arrived on her phone—she looked at her audiologist in surprise and said, “I didn’t know my phone made that sound!” 

When she came to see us for a follow-up visit, we asked her what her new favorite sound was after hearing her life with hearing aids. She told us, 

“In terms of my favorite sound, I don’t know if I could pick one, but I do love the sound of paper rustling! It’s so much crinklier and more satisfying than I’m used to.  

Overall, though, it’s been really amazing to have a full conversation without having to ask the other person to repeat themself multiple times or missing chunks of the story because I just can’t make out the words. It’s taken so much stress out of social situations already, and I’m so grateful for that.  

Thank you all again for this incredible opportunity. Truly life-changing, and I can’t express my gratitude enough.”  

Winner Hear for the Holidays

Thank You for Your Nominations! 

Each year that we’ve run Hear for the Holidays it has been difficult to pick just one winner; we receive so many amazingly heartfelt nominations, and reading each one makes us so proud and grateful to be your hearing healthcare partners in Silicon Valley. 

Thank you to everyone who nominated someone special for this event. Reading all your nominations is why we run this giveaway each year, and seeing everyone come together to help each other is so heartwarming.

If you’d like to explore hearing care with us, please don’t hesitate to request a callback or give us a call at your closest location. We’re looking forward to hearing from you. 

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Ariel Fruendt, Au.D.

I went to school at Northwestern University for my undergraduate degree and Au.D. I completed my clinical externship at UCSF Medical Center, then worked in private practice. We moved to Chicago for my husband’s job and I worked in private practice there before joining the clinical faculty at Northwestern University’s on-campus clinic. I served as a preceptor for Au.D. students, focusing on adult diagnostics and treatment, tinnitus management, and hearing conservation. I also taught ethics in audiology courses and oversaw an amplification lecture series. My favorite thing about Pacific Hearing Service is the dynamic and supportive team environment that always puts the patient first, with dedication to using evidence-based practice in our everyday protocols.